Monday, 15 July 2013

Flexible Learning 5

Sustainability in Education

Activity 6

To Sustain - In music, sustain is the length of time a sound continues after the input energy stops. The toll of a bell happens with the strikes of the clapper, and the sustain is what we hear as the sound decays.

So taking what we do in our education field (our Impact) and seeing it continue(the momentum).

If we are teaching a philosophy of a way of learning and working it should be able to continue long after we have delivered it.

In our automotive programs we continue to develop our educational material resources so they can sustain future students learning and be measured against the requirements of the industry.

Such as;

Ø  Use of Moodle and on-line resources for material delivery and learning

Ø  Very little printing

Ø  Reusing of workshop parts and equipment

Ø  Morale responsibilities ( Volunteering Days)

Ø  Environmental Impact ( waste products recycled)

To go to another level on this last item would be to develop an article or documentary on the way that the big car companies have policy to take back their end of life vehicles and recycle the materials into parts for the new models. 

When I am teaching, the strategies I use to highlight sustainability are” Best Practise Demonstrations” showing the effect of quality workmanship and using open discussion around the effects of not living up to this expectation. In industry this equals returning customers that are happy with the service and have peace of mind in the fact that the business they support takes their social, environment impact seriously.


Key Learning Areas

  1. Self understanding- developing sustainability values and ethics; developing an ecological identity and sense of place; developing a personal educational and leadership philosophy
  2. View of the world- understanding sustainability issues as interconnected, holistic, and relational; developing systems thinking; understanding and valuing the importance of multiple perspectives
  3. Relationships- developing strategies for working with diverse groups to affect change; understanding how power, privilege and justice impact relationships; developing sustainability networks and partnerships
  4. Tools for change- developing a toolkit for enacting sustainable change; gaining tools for educating for sustainability; developing leadership skills.                                              

While working through this module I have thought about how we incorporate the four actions promoting student learning. And I feel we are strong in all of these areas, but giving the time to reflect on our course and we would find some room for improvement.

· Cooperative Learning - An interactive model for teaching and learning. More than working in groups, it is a process requiring guided facilitation.
- Workshop tasks and demonstrations

· Inquiry Learning  - An holistic, integrated approach to teaching and learning, raising questions to investigate and taking action for a sustainable future.
- Research projects

· Experiential Learning - Developed through personal experience, guided reflection and learning conversations.
- Work experience

· Reflection - Fundamental to supporting student action competence.
- During class time and before assessments




1 comment:

  1. Another thought-provoking and interesting discussion about the topic explained so well in your context. You have answered my question in the previous post about co-operative learning.

    Have you considered getting students to engage in problem-based learning or actual mini projects?

    For experiential learning you could also add the practical activities in the workshop - couldn't you?

    Another area to consider is how an inquiry learning and cooperative learning contributes to a sustainable learning environment. One thing that can happen - if it is organised well - is that students contribute resources to the learning space. To do this they do need to access open resources and share them in an open environment. OER - Open Education Resources.

    How would this appeal to your learners do you think?

    This is more sustainable because it reduces both students' and lecturers' workloads when sharing resources. The teachers don't have to create everything, and the students don't have to find or read everything. Energy and frustration is saved.

    Do you have a mechanism for students to share resources that they are discovering together?

    - Perhaps an open wiki page could be used to compile resources?
    - A facility that others' in this class are trying out is called Lino it.
    - Storify is a useful platform for mobile devices -
    - Pinterest - a place to collect images of interest from websites
    - using blogs with students can also develop a series of useful resources - just like you are all doing in this course.

    I really like your idea "to develop an article or documentary on the way that the big car companies have policy to take back their end of life vehicles and recycle the materials into parts for the new models." This could be done as a podcast - video or audio with some writing or even with images and text. Fabulous. I hope you do it.
